Wessex Water's PartnerHub

Helping you to support customers throughout our region.

Welcome to Wessex Water's Partner Hub

We want to work with you to support customers throughout our region, particularly those who are having difficulty affording their water bills or who have additional needs that we should be aware of in our day to day services.

Our hub provides you lots of information about the support we offer and gives you access to resources to help you raise awareness and apply on behalf of our clients.

It should also encourage you to share good practice and ideas with each other.

If you represent an organisation interested in partnering with us, you can also find out more about the opportunities we provide and how you can work with us.

Latest news

Customer research with Blue Marble for our Vulnerability Strategy

The objective of this research was to evaluate our strategy through the eyes of customers whom it is designed to support.

Renewed partnership with Kidney Care UK

We are really pleased to announce we will be renewing our partnership with Kidney Care UK.

Vulnerability awareness week - 27 to 31 May

We have held our second Vulnerability Awareness Week. Our annual campaign aims to raise awareness to colleagues of the support Wessex Water provides for customers in need of extra help, plus the training available to help them do so.

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