Apply for support

Find out more about our wide range of support schemes and how to apply.

Support available and how to apply

Our social policy team is dedicated to supporting applications to affordability schemes and Priority Services Register (PSR). If you or your client need any support or further help and advice by phone please call the team directly for free on 0800 528 3838.

You can find out details of all of our support schemes below.

Reduce ongoing water bills

Apply for a water meter

Does your client live alone or with a small family, live in a high rateable value property, or are they a low water user? They could save money by switching to a meter. Normally we can fit a meter for free.

If your client lives in an area supplied by Bristol Water please visit their website.

If your client lives in an area supplied by Bournemouth Water please visit their website.

Reduce ongoing water bills

Reduced bill

Assist aims to help clients in extreme financial difficulty who cannot afford their water bill. Available to be used alongside our Restart scheme, Assist means customers pay a lower bill than normal based on their ability to pay.

Reduce ongoing water bills

Apply for Assist for organisations

Assist enables organisations who provide housing for people who are likely to be eligible for the Assist tariff to apply for Assist rather than pay standard charges.

Reduce ongoing water bills

Apply for discount for low income pensioners

Discount for low income pensioners. Apply for a discount for low income pensioners. If your clients only form of income is state pension or they are receiving Pension Credit we may be able to offer them around £60 off their bill. To apply all adults in the household must be in receipt of Pension Credit.

If your client lives in an area supplied by Bristol Water please visit their website.

Reduce ongoing water bills

Apply for Bill cap scheme - WaterSure

WaterSure is aimed at customers who have a water meter and live in a low income household with unavoidably high water use. It limits the amount they have to pay.

If your client lives in an area supplied by Bristol Water please visit their website.

If your client lives in an area supplied by Bournemouth Water please visit their website.

Reduce ongoing water bills

Order free water saving devices

Your clients can save water and energy in their home using the range of free devices we offer. Metered customers could save money too. Visit Save Water, Save Money and order free water saving devices.

If your client lives in an area supplied by Bristol Water please visit their website.

If your client lives in an area supplied by Bournemouth Water please visit their website.

Spread the costs of bills

Flexible payment plan

Flexible payment plans are available to clients who are having short-term problems paying their bill. On a plan, they make reduced amount towards their water bill for an agreed period of time and catch up on payments later.

Repay water debt

Debt support scheme

Restart is available for clients who have significant water debt that they can't afford to repay, but who can afford their ongoing water bills (either in full or combined with our low rate tariff).

Wider help for customers with additional needs

Register for Priority Services

If your client has particular requirements due to their age, ill health, a disability, mental illness or additional needs, they can register for Priority Services so that we can take this into account.

If your client lives in an area supplied by Bristol Water please visit their website.

If your client lives in an area supplied by Bournemouth Water please visit their website.

Apply for Assist or Restart

New applications for Assist or Restart must be made by a debt adviser.

You must use our new online application form or send us a completed paper application form on behalf of your client.

You will not be able to access previously completed or started applications from before 22 January 2025 using our new form.

Use our old online application form to access or complete applications from before this date. This access will end on 3 April 2025.

If you don’t provide a debt advice service but feel your client would benefit from Assist or Restart, please refer them to an organisation that can help.

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