Dorset Resilience Forum home emergency plan

Looking after yourself and others in an emergency can be a worry, but a little preparation can make it less stressful.

Firstly, it is obviously helpful to know what types of events may cause an interruption to normal services such as water supplies, electricity or gas and how we can be prepared to cope.

Secondly, to help in being prepared, the organisations that form the Dorset Local Resilience Forum have published a Home Emergency Action Plan (HEAP).

The HEAP provides a list of useful telephone numbers and websites, a list of the items to include in an Emergency Grab Bag as well what to do if you have to be evacuated from your home. This document is available on the Dorset Prepared website.

For further information and advice please contact the Emergency Planning Team at your local council:

Nigel Osborne, Chair, Dorset LRF Community Resilience Group

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